The Priesthood Of Believers
By Milt Partee

Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen
by God and precious; you also, as living stones, are being built up a
spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices
acceptable to God through Jesus Christ" (1st Peter 2:4-5)
"But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who
called you out of darkness into His marvelous light".
(1st Peter 2:9)

How much clearer could the Scriptures be as to what His Church, the body of Christ, is in the mind of God? It is His people! They are His body! They are the Church! All of us who are of like precious faith are His body.

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me, and I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand". (John 10:27-28).

This is the true Christian Church! Nothing more and nothing less! The Christian Church is made up of those who know Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord, and they follow (obey) Him. Pretty plain and simple, isn't it?

Jesus never meant to make it complicated, as has the organized church. Satan really likes to muddy the waters, doesn't he? He'll use anything to get our eyes off of the simple truth of the gospel. And I'd say he has done a pretty good job of it through organized religion.

I've seen it all! I am seventy years old. I've been a believer for forty-two years. I've been involved in several different churches. I've been a minister, a deacon, a Sunday school teacher, and just about everything else one can do in the church. And I will state very candidly that organized religion, in general, is not keeping the Great Commission, nor is it making true disciples of Christ. At best, it is just ministering to the needs of it's people, and I even have doubts about that.

As I see it, the organized church is failing the Lord for several reasons. They are as follows:

I recently placed an article in our local newspaper promoting a discipleship training class to be held in my home. I stated that any born-again Bible-believing Christian was welcome to attend, and that this class was open to people of all Christian denominations. I also conveyed that the class was not meant to take the place of any church, but rather to supplement it and strengthen it.

Guess how many responses I got? ZERO! What does that tell you about the condition of professing Christendom today. Even the folks who might be interested in being disciples of Christ are afraid to stand up and be counted for fear of reproach by others in the church. The church needs revival NOW!

Where are the preachers like those God used in The Great Awakening? Where are the George Whitfields, the Dwight L Moodys, the Duncan Campbells, and the Robert Murray McCheynnes. They'd be no more welcome in today's church than would Jesus Christ himself. Isn't that what got Jesus nailed to the cross? He told the truth and the religious leaders didn't like it, and they still don't!

Tens of thousands were converted under the preaching of these Spirit-filled men of God, and the Holy Spirit fell like fire upon the people, saved and unsaved saved alike. There was great conviction of sin, saloons were shut down, and houses of prostitution put out of business. All because a few brave souls had the holy boldness to preach the truth in love.

Oh God, please revive us again, in the midst of the years!

God save the church! (our brethren who are still trapped in the organized church system)

In His Amazing Love,
Brother Milt Partee

The above article was submitted by brother Milt Partee ©2005. Article may be copied freely so long as nothing is changed and this notice appears.

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Inclusion of articles like the above does not necessarily mean endorses every perspective view that may be conveyed on the source website, book or other publication. As with all things, the reader is encouraged to search the Scriptures and make his/her own conclusion based on prayer, conscience and study of the Word of God.