Leadership or Lordship?
Benjamin W. Waters

Jesus said, "Do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ.” (Matt. 23:10)

Jesus’ word for ‘leaders’ is kathegetes (Strong's #2519). This word is a compound of two different roots. Kata (Strong's #2596); and hegetes which is a form of hegeomai (Strong's #2233).

Kata literally means down as used with many prepositions, down from, down upon, down over.

Hegetes or Hegeomai means to lead, to go before, go first, to lead the way.

This closer examination reveals that Jesus is condemning religious overlordship as in one brother having authority over another. The hierarchical authority structure in which there are designated officials in descending order is what Jesus was speaking of. In fact, Matthew 23 is Jesus’ practical application of His teaching to His disciples found in:

When the chief pre-requisite to being accepted in fellowship is being under the authority of men then you know you have just left the Kingdom of God and have entered the lair of someone else!

The writer of Hebrews wrote, “Obey your leaders and submit {to them}, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.” (Hebrews 13: 17)

If all we had to go on were the English versions of the Bible, from comparing these two passages (Mt. 23:10 and Heb. 13:17), one might conclude that the writer of Hebrews had a different view of “leadership” than the Lord Jesus. Indeed, when confronted with Jesus’ foundational teaching on the issue many quote other new testament passages (like Hebrews 13:17) as if they nullify, contradict, or even overrule the words of the Lord. Let us think about that for a moment. Even if there were a contradiction – which, as we shall see, there is not – would a subsequent follower of Christ’s writings ever outweigh the words and teachings of Christ? Church history clearly demonstrates that following the teachings of men at the expense of the teachings of Christ has always been detrimental to the people of Christ. Surely there is a spirit of religious tradition at work in such cases. Lets look a little closer to search these things out.

What then of the comments of the writer of Hebrews? This verse, among others, is often used to justify all sorts of religious practices based on the fallen human authority structures of the world system rather than(Col 2:8-9) on Christ (It shall not be so among you). Much confusion has resulted from erroneous structures and practices that contradict the leading of the Spirit of the Lord in the hearts of His people. Many sheep are torn between honoring men with human religious systems and obeying the Spirit of the Lord Who leads His people according to His desire for them personally, rather than a 'on size fits all' approach.

Also at issue is discerning the leading of the Spirit at all. We are to test and prove all things, holding fast to that which is good and not believe every spirit (1 Thes 5:21, 1 John 4:1). Our very ability to test and prove spirits and leadings is dependent upon our knowledge of the truth, our freedom from deception, and our sensitivity to accurately discern spiritual powers.

There are many spirits at work speaking and leading people to do and say all sorts of things. “The Lord said…,” “The Lord told me…,” “The Lord is leading thus…,”

All of these phrases are oft spoken in support of impressions, impulses, words, and messages. Yet, the same justification is also used to support doctrines, emphases, and entire systems of ecclesiastical authority. It is very common for saints to get in a pattern of not testing the spirits but just receiving every voice that sounds to them like the Lord.

No one is exempt from being mistaken, misled, or deceived. It can happen to any of us. Tragically it is worse when someone perceived to be “in authority over others” comes under the deception of the world, the flesh, sin, or the devil. Blind or nearsighted saints surrender their relationship to Jesus to another mediator often when honestly desiring to honor and obey the Scriptures as they understand them. Hebrews 13:17 is one specific verse used to command obedience and submission to “leaders.” Immature and unsuspecting sheep are then captured, sheared, fleeced, and slaughtered by those “in authority” wielding Heb 13:17 to ensure their silence and submission.

Lets examine the key concept of this verse to discern where men interject their reasonings as opposed to the revelation of Christ.

In Hebrews the word for led, leader(s) is Hegeomai. As we have seen this word means to lead, to go before, go first, to lead the way. What this writer is referring to is quite different from what Jesus condemned. Yet the way the Bible translators have handled these and other verses one might conclude that there is a very sharp disagreement between the two concepts. Here is a traditional translation:

There are several ideas being communicated here that are completely foreign to the original text. The concept of ruling over is entirely void of support in the Greek text and is a clear manifestation of that which Jesus clearly prohibits. (Don’t look so surprised!) The first word in the verse traditionally translated obey is not one of the more authoritative, binding Greek words found elsewhere in the NT where a writer is commanding one to obey God or civil authority. This word is peitho (Strong's #3982) and it means allow yourself to be persuaded by, to give the benefit of the doubt as it were. If the writer had intended to portray obedience to an official authority there are other words that would have much better served that intention. One such word is hupakouo (Strong's #5219) as used in Hebrews 5:9. Note that the writer of Hebrews used a different word to convey that idea. Surely the same word would have been used later to convey the same idea if that were the intention. Another word for obey is peitharcheo (Strong's #3980) as found in Acts 5:29, 32. This word explicitly carries with it the notion of submission to authority and would have been a more suitable word to describe the sort obedience to hierarchical rule that we find pandemic in religious circles.

Concerning the concept of overrule it must be clearly understood that this concept is entirely alien to the Greek text.

Another suspect word in the translation of this verse is over as in ‘watch over your souls.’ This word is huper (Strong's #5298). This word appears 61 times in the NT. It is rendered by translators as “over” only twice, out of 61 times!! Yet if you look up this word in a common concordance or study help you will find it defined as “over” in the first, primary listing. Why?

We shall explore that further in a moment. For now let us review the translation of Hebrews 13:17 with the light we have received from our Greek study. I submit the following translation for your prayerful consideration:

Here in the believing community oversight was naturally taking place as the older saints would be used by the Lord as vessels to look after the younger at His discretion.

Some have used this passage to herd sheep under hierarchical designations and have commanded that all go and formally ask someone to “watch over their soul” and “be their shepherd.” The writer never does this. He assumes that shepherding and oversight will already be taking place in the believing community and encourages the saints to look for its manifestation in their relationships. This way the Holy Spirit is freely able to manifest His oversight through those who are established in His leadings and fruit. When the entanglements of authoritative human engineering become imposed on the body of Christ we inevitably see fearful sheep running to and fro seeking human mediators that will take the place of the Lord in their lives. Most of the little lambs have no idea that they are denying the Lord Jesus who bought them and bowing down to worship a man when they do this. Hierarchy within the body of Christ is the origin of the abominable clergy/laity distinction that has ripped the flock into innumerable pieces and served up rack-of-lamb to many a ravenous wolf!

It has even been taught that the instructions of Hebrews 13:7, 17, 24 are the central theme of the letter to the Hebrews and that all that was written in the previous chapters simply serves as a foundation upon which the house of delegated authoritative rule was to be built. Such teaching is a classic manifestation of the antichrist spirit promoting a doctrine of demons.

If one were to express the theme of the Hebrews letter it could not be better said than the way Gregory Mantle did in his book, “Better Things From Above”:

The closing of the letter to the Hebrews offers some personal instruction and practical guidelines for the Hebrew saints and their struggle with the differences between the Old Covenant and the New. This ending appears after much in-depth teaching on Christ and the New Covenant. Foremost on the heart of the writer was that God’s people be free from the religious baggage of their traditional environment and former practices. The New Covenant is better in every way because Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the Old Covenant. Thus he includes many warnings, encouragements and instructions seeking to reinforce the union of the saints with their Lord. To believe and teach that the whole point of the Hebrews letter is to establish and institute hierarchical rule, ecclesiastical overlords, and systems of command in which authority flows down and money flows up is not just false teaching: It is blasphemous heresy and doctrines of demons. It is antichrist deception and a precursor to the great falling away.

An Object Lesson from the Old Covenant

In the Old Testament we see a picture of this in the Israelites management of the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark was a gold covered, wooden box that the Lord designed as a visible representation of His presence on earth. The Lord gave specific instructions as to how the Ark was to be built, carried and what it was to contain as the Israelites served the Lord.

When the Israelites were backsliding from the Lord they were defeated by their enemies and the Ark was captured and taken from them.

When the Israelites returned to the Lord and sought the restoration of His purpose they regained possession of the Ark. But having been estranged from the Ark for so long they had forgotten the Lord’s instructions as to how the Ark was to be honored.

When the Israelites used natural, logical methodology to bring the Ark up to Jerusalem they simply put it on an oxcart and surrounded it by warriors. As it happened the oxen stumbled (as oxen often do when forced by their masters to dishonor their Maker), the cart tipped, and the Ark was shaken. One of the warriors, named Uzzah(meaning strength –i.e. of flesh), asserted himself in grand, fleshly valor to rescue the Ark from harm. When he reached out to steady the Ark the anger of the Lord broke out against him and struck him dead. Perhaps Uzzah spent more of his time in the pumping of his biceps than in the bending of his knees in prayer! The Lord responded by removing him from the earth (2 Sam 6).

These things happened as an example for us to whom the fullness of the New Covenant has come that we might be warned, instructed and encouraged (1 Cor 10:6).

What is the “Ark” in our experience? The Ark is a symbolic type of Jesus Christ. The gold speaks of His Eternal Divine Nature; the wood points to His humanity; in Him dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead in physical form. He is the seat of God’s presence, God’s speaking, and God’s leading. He is the reality of the Ark of the Covenant. Further, He is our reconciliation unto the Father and the only mediator between God and man.

Where is Jesus today? He is seated at the right hand of the Father on high. Yet by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit He dwells with His people whom He calls His body on earth. As He promised He is with us and in us (John 14:17). He does not dwell only within "five-fold" ministers, so called. He is not limited to governing His people through a select echelon of delegated rulers and authorities. In the same way that a head sends its life through the nervous system to every part of the body He is living in His body by His Life-giving Spirit.

To introduce heathen, worldly forms of rule and authority into the Body of Christ is the same thing as bringing in the oxcart and trying to steady the Ark with the arm of the flesh. The result will be the same. In the Old Testament we find the Lord saying “touch not my anointed.” In the New Covenant we find that all of the Lord’s people have an anointing from the Holy One. We must walk very carefully and faithfully to avoid touching the saints of God in a way that divides them from Him and from one another.

The Interpreter’s Lexicon

There are other passages of Scripture used to promote and perpetuate top heavy, hierarchical authority structure in the body of Christ. But rather than explore them all here we will instead return to the question of why Bible translators and general Bible scholars so frequently mistranslate and misapply the Scriptures. In many cases Bible scholars and translators were, and are deeply entrenched in traditional ideas and understandings based on a millennia of religious practices. These factors have had adverse effects upon their conclusions concerning how to render NT concepts into different languages. What follows is circular reasoning being imposed upon Bible texts and historical documentation. In other words, the Bible says thus and so, the church practice is such and such; therefore, these bible verses must be referring to our practices and our practices are examples of what these words must have meant.

The problem is systemic. In order to fully appreciate NT Greek on the level of one who should want to be able to fluently read and translate it one must endure many levels of secular and theological academia. Once a student has jumped through all the hoops and has been thoroughly indoctrinated by the subtle biases of the educational system of the world his or her mind is set to promote the status quo. This is why most commentaries and study helps further perpetuate the deception rather than provide remedy.

Where does this leave the Bible student who is dependent upon such ‘Scholars’ for study helps?

Jesus said, "If anyone is willing to do the will of God he will know of my teaching whether it be from God or not.” He also said, "And I will ask the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him, nor does it know him: but you know him; for he lives with you, and shall be in you." And "The Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." And "when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth."

Be comforted dear saint! Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. You are not to be enslaved to the religious systems of men. You are free just as Zion above is free. Look to the Lord, fix your eyes in Him. Deny yourself, take up the saving cross of His Lordship; take His yoke of love and rest upon you and learn from Him. Let no man deceive you into believing you are to be in perpetual dependence upon anyone to teach you. You have an anointing from the Holy One! You can freely interact with the Body of Christ on the basis of the Lord Himself being our Leader, Shepherd, Overseer, Teacher, Pastor, and Father. We are all brothers. As brothers we can be free to relate to one another on the basis of the manifestation of His Spirit who lives within us all. But do not claim that the Lord is your shepherd if you are not following His leading.

Is the Lord Jesus Your Shepherd?… Really?

If you love the world and live a life characterized by following the lust of your flesh, the lust of your eyes, and the carnal pride of life then the love of the Father is not in you. You cannot follow Christ if you do not deny self. Self is just as cruel an antichrist-overlord as any another. Do you experience fellowship with other saints? If you are truly walking in the light you will. Do you receive correction and encouragement from other saints in the Lord? If you are a functioning member of the body of Christ you will. Even in times of widespread apostasy God will almost always provide for you others who are suffering the same trials. Do you diligently seek the Lord through the Holy Spirit, The Holy Scriptures, and the Body of Christ? Or are you distracted by the pursuits and pleasures of this present world that is passing away? What shepherd has led you to where you are now?

God resists the proud. Pride is a primary cause of isolation among those who claim to know God and belong to Christ. Pride makes its possessor an abomination to God, an enemy of Christ, and a menace to the people of God. Paul wrote in the NT that that if anyone had reason to be proud he did. He had everything going for him yet his conclusion was that everything that profited him in the natural was a hindrance to him in the spirit. He had to count all things as loss that he might gain Christ.

In America the idolatry of our age is so prevalent that most of the church is thoroughly polluted. Americans worship intellectualism, money, physical appearances, and material and emotional comforts. If the Lord is indeed your shepherd he will lead you in unmistakable contrast to these idols (1Jn 5:21; Rev 21:8).

Are you intelligent or wise according to the world’s standards? Then you should become a fool that you might gain true wisdom. God hides revelation from the worldly wise and reveals it unto the “little children.” Indeed, if you are not willing to become even as “one of the least of these” then you are not yet ready to be converted to the kingdom of God. Do you esteem a high I.Q. over a humble heart of love? Are you impressed by the number of university degrees and academic achievements that people flaunt? Do you despise people who are not very intellectually astute? Jesus came to set the captives free. Be delivered from the tyranny of your own carnal intellectualism. (1 Cor 1:17-2:16; Mat 18:3, 19:13-14).

Are you rich and increased in the material wealth of the world? It would be better that you be poor than to trust in mammon. God has chosen the poor to be rich in faith. It is nearly impossible for the rich to even enter the kingdom of God. In America where the economic middle classes are far richer than most wealthy classes of other countries we especially need to take this warning to heart. If you are entrusted with riches then do not just give out of your excess. Excel in real giving that brings forth the fruit and gifts of the spirit in the lives of others. If you are stingy and withhold giving for something as worldly as a tax write-off then know that you haven’t even approached the kind of giving that the Lord demands. Is all your giving bound up in the charity systems of Mammon? If so then you need to learn what it means to agape-love as is manifested by people whose hearts are truly His.

No one can serve both God and money. Jesus wants to set you free from the love of money. He wants to give you new life and an inheritance that thieves cannot break in and steal, will not rust, and cannot be  devoured. (Mat 19:23-24; Lk 1:23; 6:24; 21:1-3; 1Tim 6:6-12) .

Are you physically attractive according to the lustful standards ofthe fleshly world in which we live? How much time, money, and effort do you put into impressing others with your fleshly appearance? Godly humility is expressed in modesty. You should rather grieve that your appearance distracts people from the glory of the invisible Christ and tempts them to lust after your flesh in any way. Take warning from the life of Absalom (2 Sam chrs. 13-19). What about your inner man? Neglected prayer, meditation, study, and fellowship reveals where your treasure really is. Such wisdom does not come down from the Father of heavenly lights but is of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Jesus can renew your mind to esteem heavenly beauty and invest in eternal things. He leads us to invest in a beauty that will never perish, spoil, nor fade. Even if you spend a fortune on health food and gym memberships your body will still age and die. Even if you invest in make-up, skin treatments, hair color, face-lifts, and artificial implants your skin is still going to wrinkle, your muscles will still sag, and your hair will gray and fall out. It is not wrong to take care of your body and to care for your appearance. But when it becomes a religion, an obsession as it is in American society and culture, then it is idolatry. Jesus can teach you what it means to live by the spirit and to set your mind on the heavenly spiritual life.( 2 Sam 14:25; 18:9-14; Mat 5:28; Rom 8:5; 1 Cor 6:13; 1 Tim 4:8; 1 Pet 3:1-4).

Is your life experience characterized by a continual avoidance of discomfort and pain of any kind? Do you live in constant fear of pain and death? Do you avoid people and circumstances based on emotional comfort and aversion of conflict? Is fear making all your decisions for you before you even try to seek and listen to the Lord’s leading? The Lord Jesus is your deliverer. He wants to free you and teach you to value heavenly living by the Holy Spirit. His power will break the yoke of sensual and emotional bondage off your neck that is causing you to deny the Lord. The Lord is faithful! He will deliver you if you want to be delivered. (Heb 2:14-15; Is 61:1-3; 2 Tim 1:7-8).

These are just a few examples among many of how we deny the Lord. If you claim that Christ Jesus is your shepherd and you are not living like He did then either pursue the Lord in repentance and faith at all costs or do not call your self by such a name as “Christian” (1Jn 2:6, 15-16; 2 Tim 2:19). Admit the Truth. You could be more your shepherd than the Lord is. Perhaps the Lord is only able to shepherd you very little. It could be that there are so many competing influences in your life that He only gets the leftovers. He died for us that we who live should no longer live for ourselves but for Him who loved us and gave Himself up for us (Gal 2:20; 2 Cor 5:14-17). That which is esteemed among men is an abomination to God (Lk 16:15). Often people seek out another shepherd, mediator, leader, teacher, or ruler so that they can have the appearance of godliness while avoiding the real cost of walking in its power. Having a man rule over you is helpful if you do not want to seek the Lord for yourself. Men are easily deceived, bribed, and flattered into letting us do what we want. With the Lord nothing can be hidden or misrepresented. He sees all, knows all and will be neither bribed nor flattered. Yet only those who diligently seek Him will clearly discern His leading.

The Lord Jesus Christ does not want us to stand before His judgment having lived our lives in deadly deception and error. He is sending His word to save, heal, and deliver us! Or, one might say, He wants to be our Good Shepherd. He will not reject nor despise a heart that comes unto Him in brokenness and repentance. He will not turn you away. If you persevere and endure with Him He will wash and cleanse you from every evil work and way and establish you in His reign.

The above article was supplied to TruthForFree.com directly by the author, Benjamin W. Waters. Many authors represented on the TruthForFree.com/Prayer Shack website have no current affiliation with TruthForFree.com or the Prayer Shack. Articles are provided for personal, non-commercial use only.

Inclusion of articles like the above does not necessarily mean TruthForFree.com endorses every perspective view that may be conveyed on the source website, book or other publication. As with all things, the reader is encouraged to search the Scriptures and make his/her own conclusion based on prayer, conscience and study of the Word of God.